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We can treat most venous conditions including

Varicose veins            Thread veins             

Varicose Veins

Varicose veins are very common. They are usually a result of the valves not working properly and blood can flow back down the vein instead of towards the heart. This is called 'venous reflux'. This causes the vein to enlarge and can cause symptoms of ache or itching. More seriously, venous reflux can cause skin changes such as brown pigmenatation and varicose eczema. At this stage, if left untreated, there is an increased risk of leg ulcers.
Thread Veins
Thread veins are prominent red veins which are visible under the skin. They are referred to as 'spider veins' or 'broken veins'. They are more visible in patients with pale skin. The exact cause is not known but are often related to varicose veins and it is important that any underlying venous reflux is treated before treating the veins with microsclerotherapy.
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