

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published guidance Clinical guideline [CG168] in 2013 for the treatment of symptomatic varicose veins. They concluded that varicose veins should be assessed by a vascular specialist and a venous duplex ultrasound should be part of that assessment. Treatments should be in the following order

Clarivein is a new techniques which have been approved by NICE IPG 557 when used by practitioners with training and that patients understand that although the results are as good as endothermal techniques in the short term, there are no long term studies because the techniques are new.

NHS Treatment

NHS treatment of varicose veins in Lincolnshire is subject to the local Clinical Commissioning Group's (CCG) prior approval scheme. This means that NHS funding is only available when relevant criteria are met.

This means that many patients who were previously entitled to NHS care no longer qualify. Although private patients have a right to transfer to the NHS for their treatment they are not entitled to transfer if their condition does not meet NHS Lincolnshire's prior approval criteria.

Please discuss your individual case with you surgeon if you are in any doubt. Private insurers still cover patients for  varicose veins that are causing symptoms. Most policies will not cover cosmetic procedures which includes most cases of thread veins.

Some patients maybe eligible for financial assistance from The Bromhead Medical Charity. For information click here

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